FREE DOWNLOAD Viklund Made Holiday Bucket List 2017 | Viklund Made Brittany Viklund Watercolor Artist Portrait Painter Brand Photographer Interior Styling Motherhood Blog Oklahoma City Custom Wedding Gift Illustration

Let the Yuletide love commence! Whether you are new to the bucket list fun or have been participating each season I'm glad to have you on board for this holiday bucket list. Since winter doesn't technically begin until late December I didn't want to miss out on all of the holiday fun, so I created a holiday bucket list instead. My hope is that whichever holiday you celebrate, this bucket list can maximize the festive wrap-up to 2017. 

Can you check off all of the items?  Share your holiday fun & bucket list progress by using the hashtag #ViklundMade & I'll repost some of them in my Instagram stories!

Get your free Viklund Made Holiday Bucket List 2017 download by CLICKING HERE. It easily prints on a classic 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper (the stuff we use in any ole printer) at home, or your office (I won't tell!), or the Kinko's down the street. How easy is that? 

BONUS FUN! Post a photo of your printed Viklund Made Holiday Bucket List 2017 (or post either of the above images!) & tag @brittanyviklund plus use the hashtag #ViklundMade on Instagram & I will choose one person to win a custom illustration after the holiday fun has commenced.